Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leap Day/Leap Year

After school today, I had ONE student show up for tutoring.  During this time I was filling out a form that needed the date.  As I wrote, "2.28.12" on the form, I remarked that this is a weird year.  

The student said, "Weird year...what do you mean?"  

I said, "February has 29 days in it this year.  That is weird; it only happens ONCE every four years."

His expression was completely priceless.  He looked at me as if he had NEVER before heard about this phenomenon.

I said, "The 29th of February, when it happens...is called Leap Day and it makes the year 'Leap Year'.  You've never heard of this before?"

He said, "Huh....nope. Leap day?"

This is just another shock to my system.....it absolutely BLOWS MY MIND......my goonies have such little prior knowledge......social knowledge.  It is no wonder that putting things into perspective for them is so difficult.

He didn't even know that February normally DOES NOT have 29 days....

I wonder how many other students would be just as baffled by my statement.

Prayers for sanity are appreciated....AND prayers for helping me know how to best reach my rugrats....


Mrs. ABC

1 comment:

  1. Alyssa......check my facebook status. Then, pray for me! I'm 37 and still don't get it. :)
