Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mrs. ABC, M.Ed

I just doesn't seem real.  I am finally DONE with school, for a very long time!

It might be a good thing that I will have a break.  I took four classes this summer.  That is the SAME amount of classwork and studying that you would do in a full 15 week semester.  I had two classes in June and two in July.  So each month, I was made to complete the same coursework and homework that all other students are made to finish in 15 weeks.  That is A LOT of work. 

At the end of the June classes I was made to complete two 10 page papers for both of my classes and for one an exam, too.  Everything was due by July 5th at 5 p.m.

I was told that at the beginning of July, my Masters Exam would be sent to me via email.  I would be given 6 prompts and I would have to write three 10 page papers with at least 6 references a piece.  These would be due at the end of July.  MUCH to my surprise, that did not end up being the case.  THE email was sent out on Monday, June 20th, and something went wrong with my email inbox.  I did not get the email until the following Sunday, June 26th.  BUT the weird thing is that it listed the sent date as the 20th....but it was sitting in my inbox on top of June 25th emails.  The exam email said I would have until 5p.m. on July 5th.  So where everyone else had--had two weeks to complete the assignment I only had ONE.  Not to mention I had two other research papers and an exam all due on the same day at the same time.  I did not sleep, I cried and prayed all the way through it, I do not know how I did it, but it got done.  I passed both classes with an A....AND......passed all three of my exam papers, too.

During the second summer session in July, it was very apparent to me that I desperately needed a beak from school.   I was lucky enough to get an assignment for one of my classes completed early, and I send it in to my professor to be graded.  I was supposed to place it in a discussion posting online for my group to read and I did that.......or so I thought.......I kept waiting for my group to post their assignments and respond to mine, but it NEVER happened....on the day the assignment was due I really started to panic, and my mind made me look at the class I posted it in....I do not know why.....BUT it turned out to be a good thing because I had posted the assignment in the WRONG just minutes before it was due in the discussion, I posted it in the right place and the right class and my group was able to comment...of course, I told them about my very bazaar story.

Now for my audit.  Texas A&M did not start graduation audits until 11p.m. the NIGHT BEFORE graduation!!!!!!!  So I was not sure what my grades for my classes were, I didn't know if I passed, I didn't know if I would really be getting my diploma when I walked across the stage.  I was pretty sure I didn't have anything to worry about, BUT I just didn't know for sure.

So come graduation day, I anxiously awaited to grab my diploma tube and open it up.  There was NO green dot which was great!!!!!  As I was shaking the president's hand, I was looking for the photographer.....I could NOT find him.  They did not tell us where he would be and he was NOT in the same place as when I graduated last time.  I am sure it will just be terrible.  haha....

No matter......I did it.  I am done....I have CRAZY stories to share and a beautiful graduate diploma to frame!  I am so blessed!